Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Arresting Development

By Tim Philbin

If I understand a recent “out of town newspaper” story, the legislature will be in charge of shielding children of crooks from seeing mommy and/or daddy from getting arrested. The resultant trauma can be devastating for the child.

No doubt that the kids would be upset to see a group of armed men (police) come in to the house and cuff someone.

But why is it the legislature’s responsibility?

According to the story, "Witnessing the arrest of a parent contributes to increased anxiety, fear, anger and symptoms of mental health disorders and can have significant, negative long-term implications for children's well being.”This legislation is about ensuring the well being of Vermont children impacted by their parents' criminality."
The way to fix this problem does not take an advanced degree in sociology although that may be what these people want you to believe.

How about mom and dad NOT breaking the law!

It’s simple; say to yourself “today I will not break the law”. If you don’t break the law you will not be subject to arrest and your children will not be forced to watch you hauled away in the back of a police cruiser.

It does not “Take a Village to Raise a Child” it takes a mom or dad that loves their child more then themselves. That puts the child’s’ well being before their own.

If more parents followed that simple premise many of our societal problems could be resolved.

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