Monday, February 16, 2009

People,People, People

By Tim Philbin

Stop all the bitchin and moanin!

Can anyone tell me where is it written that the USA owes any of us a house, education, health care or even food?

Get off your backside and go fend for yourself.

I was watching TV an saw people whining and crying about their lot in life and how it' s so tough to get by or take care of a family. Here's a bit of news ---NO ONE - NO ONE is owed anything by this country except a chance to try and possibly succeed. And as far as that goes let me share what my daddy told me, "even if you fall on your face - at least you are going in the right direction".

When the President was holding a town hall meeting his handlers rolled out a bunch of "OH WOE IS ME" types. With all that misery on the evening news I guess he figured his stimulus bill would be more acceptable to the audience.

One women cried that she had no kitchen! Yes, a kitchen. When the President told her he was going to help her the audience applauded like she had just won "the prize behind door number three"
You have got to be kidding!!! We owe people kitchens??? Want to know why they applauded??? I will explain in a future post.

Wake up people it's time to build your ARC. The storm IS coming. (more about the "ARC" later)


Gypsy said...

Perhaps the Preamble of the Constitution?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

promote the general Welfare

This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it - the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare - to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

On The Air with Tim Philbin said...

It figure a socialist would see the word WELFARE and deem it to mean a check in the mail.