Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Show Them The Money

By Tim Philbin

Remember all those politicians calling for the heads of Wall Street types that were being paid huge sums of money for overseeing failed or failing companies?

It was so bad that many in Washington wanted to limit corporate bonuses, pay raises and overall corporate compensation. It was even part of the 2008 Presidential campaign.

After all how could they justify getting so much when people across the country were loosing their jobs, homes, life savings, retirement funds while at the same time paying more for gas, heating oil, food and so much more?

Maybe they had a point. But as my mother said what is good for the goose is also good for the ... you get the idea.

Now the people who were supposed to oversee all of Wall Street, encouraged the mortgage mess, and refused to develop a rational energy policy are now ready to get an automatic pay raise themselves.

What a bunch of phonies . It's always do as I say not as I do.

If anyone needs to feel our pain its the folks in Washington and Montpelier.

Here's a simple idea - if we the people don't make money neither will they!

1 comment:

Justin Cody said...

Here's the problem Tim, the corporations have forgotten a lesson that our founders said should never be forgotten.

That lesson is that the free flow of capital is not the foundation of capitalism, it is our ability to behave in a moral and ethical manner that gives us the freedom to run the capitalist system and have a republican form of government.

We lost that somewhere around when the progressive era began. People began expecting the government to act morally rather than they act morally. The entire concept has been twisted. Just like Obama said...he wants to define what responsibilities government has to help you out...and that is a decidedly totalitarian point of that nothing is outside of the state.